Invisible movie
Invisible movie


Giorgelli shoots for something less conclusive, more vague.


She is “Invisible” and a movie about someone invisible is sure to test one’s patience. She tries to power through it, a little denial (clubbing, a bar pick up), a little unload on mom time.Īnd then the shouting at the screen starts.Īrenillas so underplays Ely that she’s hard to get a handle on, even if our instinct is to sympathize with her plight. Ely hides her dismay, if not her despair.Īn adoption agency offers to pay her for the chance to place her offspring with a paying family. Sad and maybe a little in shock, she tunes out her classes, but we never see her weep. We follow Ely, poker-faced but forlorn, lost in her thoughts, struggling to make a decision she’s ill-equipped to handle. I’ve been doing this for decades and never come across a lapse in a film’s credits this boneheaded, one I couldn’t get an answer to.


If you know who the redhead is to Ely’s left, or you’re the forgetful Pablo Giorgelli and know she is, feel free to comment below. Every other actress listed seems entirely too old. I apologize for not naming the sympathetic actress who plays that sounding board/classmate, but director Pablo Giorgelli, who co-wrote the script, never has anyone address her by name and doesn’t even seem to have her in the credits. Like girls the world over, she turns to a peer. “Your only choice is to put the child up for adoption,” she adds (in Spanish with English subtitles) before suggesting a psychologist.Įly isn’t telling anyone about this - not her bother, who has become a burden, or Raul the veterinarian who got her pregnant. The father… Abortion is illegal in Argentina.” “I’m not going to have it,” is an assertion this nurse is prepared for When she first visits a government clinic, the unseen counselor/nurse gives her the bum’s rush, pushing the frightened girl into scheduling an ultrasound, OB-GYN visits… His dad, the veterinarian who owns the practice, seems kind. The father of the fetus ( Diego Cremonesi) isn’t exactly somebody she can talk to, either. Her mother ( Mara Bestelli) is housebound, overwhelmed by depression. And now there’s a fetus to be considered.

invisible movie invisible movie

It’s all there, what medication you need “in countries where abortion is illegal,” what strategy to use to procure them, lies to tell, getting “a man to pick up the medication.” black market suggestions and warnings.īecause that’s what the world is like for a woman in patriarchy where the Catholic Church controls basic human rights usually protected by government.Įly is 17, close-mouthed and a bit of a longer, just another bored high school kid with unruly hair and a nose ring. So when Ely ( Mora Arenillas) has one backseat sexual fling too many with a veterinarian she works for, part time, she’s got a pal to stand by her in their high school restroom, reading her smart phone. “Invisible” is a patient, quiet drama about a pregnant teenager in a country where abortion is illegal, but the Internet is not - Argentina.

invisible movie

It’s a bit maddening, but I guess that’s how a movie about abortion should be - shout at the screen infuriating.

Invisible movie